Ground beef is one of the most versatile meats out there. A key ingredient for burgers, chili, tacos, pasta dishes and more, it's a staple for many classic meals. Even a small portion can go a long way in terms of flavor. Read below for some background on ground beef and some delicious recipe ideas!

What is ground beef?

Beef that has either been finely chopped or ground from the trimmings of various cuts and is comprised of both lean meat and fat. 

Are there different types of ground beef?

  • Regular ground beef is made from the trimmings of cuts like shank and brisket. It has the highest fat content at around 25%-30%, meaning that it is juicier than other types but also shrinks down the most when cooking.
  • Lean ground beef comes from the front portion of the animal, near the shoulder. With around 15%-20% fat, it's not very fatty but still packs a delicious punch when it comes to flavor.
  • Extra-lean ground beef is the most expensive variety, as it's taken from the midsection of the animal. It only has about 10%-14% fat but is the driest when cooked.

What recipes can I make with ground beef?

The list is endless! One of the greatest things about ground beef is the fact that it can be used in nearly anything: pasta dishes, stir fries, casseroles, chilis, wraps, stuffed peppers, and, of course, formed into patties for burgers.  Check out some of these easy but mouthwatering recipes to start!

Spaghetti Bolognese

  • Olive oil
  • Carrots
  • Onion
  • Celery
  • Heavy cream
  • Ground beef
  • Store-bought marinara sauce
  • Pasta of choice


  1. Sauté the celery, carrots and onion.
  2. Stir in the ground beef, cook for about 5 minutes.
  3. Stir in the jar of sauce. Cook until desired thickness is reached.
  4. Once the desired thickness is reached, pour in heavy cream.
  5. Prepare pasta while the sauce is thickening. Once ready, serve!


Easy-peasy Slow Cooker Tacos


  • Store-bought or home-made salsa
  • A taco seasoning packet or mix
  • Ground beef
  • Tacos
  • Desired toppings (we recommend sour cream, cheese, and guacamole!)


  1. Cook the ground beef, salsa, and taco seasoning in the slow cooker for six hours if on low and three hours if on high.
  2. Try and stir every hour or so. If possible, drain off any liquid that’s accumulated. Dispose by mixing with dish soap then washing down the drain.
  3. And that’s it! Serve with tacos.


Thai Basil Stir-Fry


  • Neutral oil (canola or vegetable work best)
  • Ground beef
  • Chili paste
  • Onion
  • Bell pepper
  • Fresh garlic
  • Soy sauce or tamari
  • Brown sugar
  • Fish sauce
  • Fresh lime
  • Basil (Thai holy basil is best, but sweet basil does just fine)


  1. Whisk the chili paste, fish sauce, brown sugar, lime juice, and soy sauce together. Set aside.
  2. Get the oil searing hot, and then stir fry the beef. After about 5 minutes, add the vegetables in.
  3. After they’re cooked to your liking, add in the sauce and the basil.
  4. Serve with white or brown rice or even in lettuce cups.

Be sure to start with premium quality ground beef shipped right to your door.  Enjoy!


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