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The labels "grass fed" and "grass finished" are being used more frequently in the culinary world, but deciphering the difference can be tricky.

  • Grass fed beef refers to cattle that have been fed a diet that includes some grass and hay, but can be swapped to or supplemented with grains at any time, while still keeping the ‘grass-fed’ label.
  • Grass finished beef, on the other hand, is specific to cattle that have been raised on a diet of only grass and forage for their entire lives.

Quality-focused cooks might wonder: does the difference between the grass fed and grass finished matter?


Yes it does, and here's why.


The Market House Difference: All Grass Fed, All Grass Finished


At Market House, we uphold stringent standards and sustainable practices, making an impact with every delicious bite. Each grass fed cut we offer is also grass finished, which is better for both you and the cattle.

By ensuring all our beef is grass finished, we offer you:

  • Superior Quality: Grass finished beef generally offers richer flavor, perfect for discerning palates that appreciate nuanced food experiences.
  • Sustainable Practices: Grass finished beef promotes better animal welfare and more sustainable farming, aligning with our commitment to maintaining a small footprint. You can read more about the sustainability aspects of grass-finished beef here.
  • Balanced Nutrition: Grass finished beef typically has a superior nutrition profile: it has less total fat, higher levels of heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids and more antioxidant vitamins (like Vitamin E). The cattle are never fed lower quality alternatives like grain or animal by-products. This article goes into more detail about the health upsides of grass-finished beef.

Market House sources all of its grass fed and grass finished beef from Grass Run Farms®, a sustainability-focused producer in the heartland of America. They’re committed to ethical and sustainable farming practices that produce both top quality beef and humane conditions for the cattle. Today, Grass Run Farms® is a trusted advocate for sustainable agriculture, offering delicious, superior-quality beef that embodies their dedication to the land and the animals they raise.


Savor the Best with Market House


Here at Market House, we believe in exceeding expectations and ensuring you get the best cuts and quality. Our meticulous selection of meats guarantees that you are tasting not just any beef, but grass finished superiority in every bite.


Explore our range of grass fed and grass finished beef and elevate your kitchen with Market House today. Remember, we’re pretty sure your butcher already orders from us.


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Everything is flash frozen for quality and ships with dry ice to stay that way.
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